oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 100cm x 100cm | 2024
WES 21
Kunst am Bau, Mural | 27m2 | 2024
Nuklearinspektorat / SVTI, Zurich, Switzerland
WES 21 / Remo Lienhard
signed and numbered giclée print on fine art paper
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 220cm x 80cm | 2024
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 160cm x 100cm | 2023
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 80cm x 80cm | 2023
100cm x 50cm
giclée print on fine art paper
limited edition of 60
signed and numbered
WES 21 / Remo Lienhard
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 120cm x 80cm | 2023
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 100cm x 100cm | 2023
PAINTING: oil, acrylic, spray and gold coin on canvas | 150cm x 150cm | WES 21, 2022
COIN: official Swiss gold coin | 20mm, 5,64 g gold 0,900 | limited artist edition of 5000 | WES 21, 2022
"On a very special project to design an official Swiss gold coin dedicated to the watchmaking industry, i took my time to create and paint a planetary timemachine to be eternalized in gold. The limited artist-coin edition is manufactured in a breathtaking level of details and precision by "Swissmint" and will be released this week on Thursday, 29.Sept 2022.
As an artist from Biel/Bienne, the Swiss city of watchmaking, I have always been fascinated by the technical precision of watchmaking and it‘s artistic constructions. On the other hand, I am driven by an endless fascination for the very big questions such as the mystery of time. Everywhere in the cosmic clockwork we recognize analogies between the micro- and macrocosm. As in the small - so in the large. On this parallel arises a work of art about the small and large wheels of time and their place in our world view."
The artwork shows a monumental timemachine in the core of our world. Symbolic of the global radiance of watches as time-machines, which distinguish Switzerland and its watch industry and keep our
world under the spell of time. The planetary construct of the work was realized in a mixture of masterful painting techniques in a surreal oilpainting on a 150cm x 150cm canvas and then
transformed by the artist into the miniature form of the highly detailed 20mm coin.
WES sees his timemachine on the gold coin as symbolic methaphor with a valuable insight:
"If time is money - money is time too"
photos by Matthieu Spohn
"Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein
Surrounded by a fantastic world full of nature and technology at the same time - transferred into a utopian reality. That's how it feels when the works of the Biel-based artist Remo Lienhard /
WES 21 hang in front of you. In his upcoming solo exhibition "PARALLEL UNIVERSE" at SOON Gallery, the artist opens a portal into a parallel universe, into a surreal landscape infused with
fictional devices, objects, figures. Visitors are invited to see the visual worlds from a different perspective, losing themselves in the depths of composition and color palette.
The exhibition shows a diverse range of large-format paintings of impressive sceneries, picturesque landscapes, abstract architecture, supernatural beings and unreal objects. Stylistically
confident and with a distinctive visual language, he transforms brilliant ideas into magnificent modern works of art with inspiring expressiveness and depth of content.
After the School of Design in Biel, WES dedicates himself to contemporary art and works as a freelance artist. In recent decades, he established himself as a respected protagonist of a
subculture-movement that artfully affects your immediate environment and actively shapes our present. From house-sized murals to oil painting, illustration to sculpture, he serves a diverse
spectrum of art forms and skillfully and innovatively transforms masterful techniques into the future. His work enjoys an international reputation and has been exhibited in prestigious galleries
and renowned art fairs around the world.
FR: 4-9pm
SA: 2-6pm
or by private appointment:
SOON Gallery
Sihlquai 125
8005 Zurich
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 320cm x 100cm | 2021
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 320cm x 100cm | 2021
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 80cm x 80cm | 2020
Painting: WES 21
Client: Royal Arena GmbH
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 180cm x 180cm | 2020
This painting comes alive on a full moon.
Astronomically synchronized with the final
exhibition night of our multidimensional art
installation at FlairExpo in Biel, Switzerland
A scientific experiment by
WES 21 / Remo Lienhard and
MAG Design / Marc-André Gasser
300cm x 150cm x 290cm
anamorphic painting on wood
16 minutes video loop
oil, acrylic, spray on canvas | 100cm x 100cm | 2020
art in architecture | 10m x 3m | 2019
Primary School Orpund, Switzerland
acrylic, spray on canvas | 195cm x 195cm | 2019
Back from a studio scholarship in Berlin, the artist from Biel, Switzerland, is showing his latest works in Bern. With his paintings, Remo Lienhard creates impressive visual worlds that captivate the viewer. They show representational motifs borrowed from nature and civilization, which he painterly fuses into stylish subjects. Each work tells its own story, draws utopian visions or illuminates the artist's astute observations.
"The Missing Link" is Lienhard's fourth solo exhibition at Galerie SOON and presents itself in a production that builds a bridge to past exhibition and collection concepts. The exhibition
situation ties in with the early modern „Kunstkammer“ and cabinets of curiosities that rulers, princes and scholars established in the Renaissance and Baroque periods. These collection rooms, in
which precious works of art, rare natural objects, scientific objects and curiosities from foreign worlds were stored, constantly amazed visitors.
Lienhard defines his depictions of imaginative situations, hybrid creatures and surreal landscapes, which fit effortlessly into this context, as natural-historical fiction or illusory reality.
The unmistakable visual language, which the gifted painter has consistently developed and refined for dozens of years, is certainly also decisive for this. His artfully created works not only
impress with their love of detail, sophisticated composition and colour palette, but also skillfully and innovatively transform old masterly traditions into our future.
Remo Lienhard (*1989) experimented with brushes and spray cans at an early age and made a name for himself as Wes 21. Since graduating from the School of Design in Biel in 2010, he has devoted
himself to contemporary art.
Thursday, 10. Jan, 18h - 20h
Saturday / Sunday, 12./13. Jan 2019
from 11h-17h
Wednesday - Friday : 13.30 - 18h
Saturday: 10.30 - 17h
Galerie SOON
Münstergasse 62
3011 Bern
mixed media sculptures | 2019
acrylic, spray on wood | 140cm x 140cm | 2019
Acrylic, Spray on wood | 200cm x 100cm | 2018
oil, acrylic, spray | 240cm x 140cm | 2018
acrylic, spray | 160cm x 100cm | 2018
WES 21
24 Color Screen Print
£ 195.00
24 Color Screen Print
On 300 Gsm Somerset Satin Paper
Signed By The Artist
Edition Of 75
88cm x 64cm
£ 395.00
24 Color Screen Print
On 300 Gsm Somerset Satin Paper
Signed By The Artist
Hand Painted
1/1 Unique
88cm x 64cm
Acrylic, Spray | 100cm x 80cm | 2018
Acrylic, Spray | 120cm x 80cm | 2018