After the School of Art & Design in Biel, WES 21 dedicates himself to contemporary art and works as a freelance artist. In recent decades, he established himself as a respected protagonist of a subculture-movement that artfully affects your immediate environment and actively shapes our present. From house-sized murals to oil painting, illustration to sculpture, he serves a diverse spectrum of art forms and skillfully and innovatively transforms masterful techniques into the future. His work enjoys an international reputation and has been exhibited in prestigious galleries and renowned art fairs around the world.
2024 _ PERMANENT EXHIBITION | WES 21 Gallery, private showroom in Biel, Switzerland
2022 _ PARALLEL UNIVERSE | SOON Gallery Zurich, Switzerland
2019 _ THE MISSING LINK | SOON Gallery Bern, Switzerland
2017 _ WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE | SOON Gallery Zurich, Switzerland
2016 _ METAPHYSICS | Whitewalls Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2015 _ OUTSIDE THE BOX | SOON Gallery Zurich, Switzerland
2013 _ HUNGRY EYES | SOON Gallery Bern, Switzerland
2012 _ APPETITE | SOON Gallery Zurich, Switzerland
2008 _ INTERMEZZO | Gallerie Quellgasse 3, Biel, Switzerland
2023 _ COIN OF THE YEAR | WES 21 with Swissmint | Nomination for 'coin of the year 2022', Pittsburg, USA
2022 _ COUPOLE BLEIBT | Art exhibition, Coupole AJZ | Biel, Switzerland
2021 _ FLAIR | Outdoor exhibition | Biel, Switzerland
2019 _ SCHWARZMALER EXPO | Schule für Gestaltung | Bern, Switzerland
2019 _ PEACE OF MIND | Next Street Gallery | Paris, France
2018 _ ON THE MOVE | Kirk Gallery | Aalborg, Denmark
2017 _ URBAN NATION MUSEUM | Permanent collection | Museum of urban contemporary art, Berlin, Germany
2017 _ URBAN NATION MUSEUM | Pre-opening exhibition | Museum of urban contemporary art, Berlin, Germany
2016 _ ARTMOSSPHERE BIENNALE MOSCOW | Curated by Urban Nation | Moscow, Russia
2016 _ POW! WOW! | Honolulu Museum Art School | Curated by Thinkspace Gallery | Hawai’i, USA
2015 _ BROTHERHOOD | Jonathan Levine Gallery | Curated by Yasha Young | New York City, USA
2015 _ IMPACT | 1975 Gallery, Rochester | Curated by Urban Nation | New York, USA
2015 _ URBAN SPACE | Kirk Gallery | Aalborg, Denmark
2015 _ JUNGKUNST CONTAINER MUSEUM | Winterthur, Switzerland
2015 _ NEW LANDSCAPES | SOON Gallery | Bern, Switzerland
2014 _ GROUP SHOW | Art Whino Gallery | Washington DC, USA
2013 _ OPENING EXHIBITION | SOON Gallery, Bern, Switzerland
2012 _ VERYCONTEMPORARAY 12 | Culture Center PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
2012 _ RENAISSANCE NOW! | Chimera-Project Space, Budapest, Hungary
2011 _ ARTYOU | Basel, Switzerland
2011 _ VERYCONTEMPORARY 11 | Culture center PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
2010 _ SWISS URBAN SALON | Budapest, Hungary
2010 _ JUNGKUNST | Winterthur, Switzerland
2010 _ SCHWARZMALER | INCIDENT IN BUDAPEST | TeleP, Budapest, Hungary
2008 _ ARTIG | Basel, Switzerland
2024 _ POWER PLANT | WES 21 | Nuklearinspektorat / SVTI | Zurich, Switzerland
2022 _ UNITY IS KEY | WES 21 | Le Locle, Switzerland
2020 _ AARE | WES 21 | Kursaal Bern, Switzerland
2019 _ OFF | WES 21 | Primarschule Orpund | Biel, Switzerland
2018 _ BERLIN MURAL FEST | Herakut x WES 21 x Onur | Presented by Urban Nation | Berlin, Germany
2016 _ ICELAND AIRWAVES | WES 21 x Onur | Curated by Urban Nation | Reykjavîk, Iceland
2016 _ DEPTHS | Kkade x WES 21 x Onur | Curated by The Trace Gallery | Zürich, Switzerland
2015 _ ART BASEL MIAMI | WES 21 x Onur | „Sea Walls“ By Pangea Seed x Urban Nation | Miami, USA
2015 _ ONE WALL PROJECT | WES 21 x Onur | Presented by Urban Nation | Berlin, Germany
2015 _ WALLTHERAPY | WES 21 x Onur | Presented by Urban Nation | Rochester, New York, USA
2015 _ OUT IN THE OPEN | WES 21 x Onur | Presented by Kirk Gallery | Aalborg, Denmark
2015 _ AAC | Arhuus Art Convention | WES 21 x Kkade x Semor | Arhuus, Denmark
2014 _ RICHMOND MURAL PROJECT | WES 21 x Onur | Richmond, USA
2014 _ URBAN NATION GALLERY | WES 21 x Onur | Berlin, Germany
2013 _ ELEMENTI SOTTERRANEI | WES 21 x Onur x Kkade x Semor | Gemoa del Friuli, Italy
2013 _ LAC| Laboratorio Actividades Criativas | WES 21 x Onur | Lagos, Portugal
2013 _ SAVE 5 POINTZ | WES 21 x Onur x Kkade x Semor | New York City, USA
2007 _ AARGAUER KUNSTHAUS | WES 21 mural for 'Haus am Gern' | Aarau, Switzerland